Hardware Display  «Prev 

Advanced options Feature

Choosing from standard colour schemes
Open the 'Start ' menu by clicking on the 'Start' button or by pressing the 'Windows' logo key
(located between the 'Ctrl' + 'Alt 'keys on most keyboards) alternatively press 'Ctrl ' + 'Esc'.
Click on 'Control Panel' or press 'C' until 'Control Panel' is selected and then press 'Enter' if necessary.
Note: in earlier versions of XP you will need to click on 'Settings' or press the letter 'S' on the keyboard first.
If you see the text 'Pick a category' as the main title on the page and under the Control Panel title you can see 'Switch to Classic View' you need to click the 'Switch to Classic View'
(you are currently in 'Category View') by clicking on the link or by pressing tab until the 'Switch to Classic View' is selected and then press 'Enter'.

1) Display option: provides small, large, or custom font sizes for the display
Display option: provides small, large, or custom font sizes for the display.Compatibility options: Determine the action that Windows 2000 should take after you make changes to display settings.

2) Adapter Type: List the manufacture, model number, and properties of the installed adpater
Adapter Type: List the manufacture, model number, and properties of the installed adapter.
Properties: Provides configuration details for the display adpater and allows you to modify the configuration.
3) Monitor Tab - Monitor Type: Lists the manufacturer, model number, and properties of the monitor that is currently installed.
Monitor Tab: Monitor Type: Lists the manufacturer, model number, and properties of the monitor that is currently installed

4) Troubleshooting tab- Hardware acceleration: Controls the acceleration level and performance
Troubleshooting tab: Hardware acceleration: Controls the acceleration level and performance

5) Color Management tab: Select the default color profile for your monitor
Color Management tab: Select the default color profile for your monitor