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Lesson 3Determining Network Connections
ObjectiveUse netstat command to view active TCP connections on Machine.

Determining Network Connections

The netstat command examines many of the kernel's tables that deal with network connections. One of its most useful applications is to list active network connections involving your machine.
The netstat command will list active TCP connections and show active “UNIX domain” connections. UNIX domain connections are internal to one machine; they are a form of interprocess communication. For the purposes of this course, we will concentrate on TCP connections. View the diagram below to see an example of using netstat to view active TCP connections.

Number of Bytes

Number of bytes in the receive queues for connections listed
  1. Number of bytes in the receive queues for connections listed. This number is usually small (zero, for example), unless the connection is blocked for some reason
  2. Number of bytes in the send queues for connections listed. This number is usually small (zero, for example), unless the connection is blocked for some reason.
  3. Local address (in the form address:port)
  4. Foreign address (in the form address:port)
  5. This column shows the state of the TCP finite-state automaton for the connection listed. The most common outputs are ESTABLISHED, CLOSE_WAIT, FIN_WAIT, and FIN_WAIT2
  6. CLOSE_WAIT means that the TCP connection was recently closed and the port is in a mandatory “rest period
  7. This line describes a connection between the telnet port on mymachine and port 60786 on the machine
  8. ESTABLISHED means this is an ongoing TCP connection.
  9. FIN_WAIT (and FIN_WAIT2) is an intermediate TCP state that indicates a connection in the process of shutting down.

Report on TCP connections using netstat -P tcp command

The command `netstat -P tcp` is generally used to view TCP connections on Solaris systems. Here's how it works:
Breakdown of the Command
  • netstat: The core network statistics utility present in many Unix-like operating systems, including Solaris.
  • -P tcp: Flags instructing `netstat` to:
    • -P: Display information for a particular protocol (in this case, TCP).
    • tcp: Focus on the TCP protocol specifically.

Typical Output The output of `netstat -P tcp` includes columns like:
  • Local Address: Your local machine's IP address and port number.
  • Foreign Address: The remote IP address and port number the connection is established with.
  • State: The current state of the TCP connection (e.g., ESTABLISHED, TIME_WAIT, CLOSE_WAIT).

Additional Notes on Solaris
  • More detailed information: On Solaris, you might need to use the `-a` and `-n` flags to get the most useful output. Try this as well:
    netstat -an -P tcp 
  • User and Process ID: You can use `netstat -u` to display the user and process ID associated with each network endpoint

Output of Netstat Command

The following diagram contanis an example of using netstat to view active TCP connections.
Output of netstat command
Output of netstat command
host$ netstat -t
Active Internet connections (w/o servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State
tcp        0      0 mymachine:8284 CLOSE_WAIT
tcp        0      0 mymachine:telnet           ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 mymachine:telnet      FIN_WAIT_2

  1. Number of bytes in the receive queues for connections listed. This number is usually small (zero, for example), unless the connection is blocked for some reason.
  2. Number of bytes in the send queues for connections listed. This number is usually small (zero, for example), unless the connection is blocked for some reason.
  3. Local address (in the form address:port)
  4. Foreign address (in the form address:port)
  5. This column shows the state of the TCP finite-state automaton for the connection listed. The most common outputs are ESTABLISHED, CLOSE_WAIT, FIN_WAIT, and FIN_WAIT2
  6. CLOSE_WAIT means that the TCP connection was recently closed and the port is in a mandatory “rest period.”
  7. This line describes a connection between the telnet port on mymachine and port 60786 on the machine
  8. ESTABLISHED means this is an ongoing TCP connection.
  9. FIN_WAIT (and FIN_WAIT2) is an intermediate TCP state that indicates a connection in the process of shutting down.

Determining -Network Connections - Exercise

Click the Exercise link below to test your knowledge of the netstat command.
Determining -Network Connections - Exercise

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