vi editing  «Prev  Next»
Lesson 10

Editing with vi(Conclusion)

This module covered advanced editing with vi. After reviewing basic concepts, you learned how to search for text. You also learned how to customize vi by defining text abbreviations, keyboard macros, and configuration options. Custom settings are temporary if you define them within a vi session. You can make the settings permanent, however, by storing them in the configuration file for vi.
This module also covered how to edit multiple files within a single vi session. Finally, you learned how to use named buffers to cut, copy, or paste text among various files.

Key commands

This module introduced the following vi commands:
  1. /
  2. ?
  3. n
  4. N
  5. :ab
  6. :map
  7. :set
  8. :n
  9. :e
  10. :rew
  11. " (used before a named buffer)


This module introduced you to the following terms and concepts:
  1. buffer: A buffer is an area of memory where data are temporarily stored.
  2. case sensitive: When a text search is case sensitive, the search treats uppercase and lowercase letters differently. If uppercase and lowercase letters are treated the same way, then the search is considered to be case in-sensitive.
  3. command mode: Command mode is one of two modes of operation in vi. In command mode, you can move the cursor and issue editing commands, but you must switch to text mode to add text.
  4. configuration options: Configuration options control vi's behavior. Use the :set command to manage these options.
  5. ex editor: ex is a line editor that serves as an underlying program for the vi editor. A line editor is a program in which you see only one line at a time.
  6. exrc file: The .exrc file is a configuration file that lets you store custom vi settings in your home directory. When you start the vi editor, it reads the .exrc file and runs the commands in the file.
  7. Keyboard macro: A keyboard macro lets you perform a sequence of vi commands as a single keystroke. Keyboard macros also are called keyboard maps because they are created using the : map command.
  8. ;multiplier: In vi, a multiplier is a number that you place before a movement command or editing command to extend the range of the command.
  9. operator: In vi, an operator is one of the letters c, d, or y, which combine with a movement command to create an editing command.
  10. text abbreviation: A text abbreviation lets you add long phrases in text mode whenever you type the abbreviation. Abbreviations are created using the :ab command.
  11. text mode: Text mode is one of two modes of operation in vi. In text mode, you can use your keyboard to add text to your document.

vi Commands - Quiz

Click the Quiz link below to test what you learned in this module.
vi Commands - Quiz
In the next module you will learn how to manage disk space.